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澳大利亞商學院(Australian School of Business)澳大利亞商學院網站網址:http://www.business.unsw.edu.au/
目錄 |
澳大利亞商學院(Australian School of Business)世界上最大的商學院之一,全院共約8000名學生,包括4500名本科生,3500名研究生以及250名博士生。學院在世界,尤其是亞太地區有著極高的聲譽。MBA課程(AGSM)被Financial Times評為澳大利亞最優秀全日制MBA課程,在全球排名也位居前50。學院開設精算課程,為澳大利亞僅有的五所開設精算課程的高等學府。
The Australian School of Business is a constituent body of the University of New South Wales, Australia.
The School has over 8,000 students, divided into approximately 4,500 undergraduate students, 3,500 postgraduate students and 250 PhD and Honours students. There is an almost equal mix of women and men. 30-40% are international students. The School has 220 full-time academics and researchers.[1]
In November 2006, the Australian Graduate School of Management, merged with the Faculty of Commerce and Economics to form the Faculty of Business[2]. In mid-2007 the Faculty was renamed The Australian School of Business [3] and by September 2007 had relocated into the newly renovated Australian School of Business Building [4]. The Faculty offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees along with the AGSM MBA and AGSM Executive Programs.
澳大利亞商學院的MBA,以其具有獨特的國際視野和亞太地區專 業特色見長,課程範圍從經濟到資訊科技,以至海事及航空管理,不一而足。大部分商學院的學生均可選擇攻讀一般性的管理學位或專業學位。