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(重定向自Sunil Mittal)
苏尼尔·米塔尔(Sunil Mittal)
苏尼尔·米塔尔(Sunil Mittal)
苏尼尔·米塔尔(Sunil Mittal)




  苏尼尔·米塔尔(Sunil Mittal):生于1957年的印度商人巴帝电信公司董事长兼总经理。苏尼尔-米塔尔的 Bharti Airtel 公司是印度最大的移动手机运营商,于1995年创立。客户达到了8800万人。在其家族中,他拥有绝对的控股优势。Bharti Airtel公司在过去的一年中价值下降了30%。

  《福布斯》杂志北京时间2009年2月13日撰文公布了全球最富有的十大CEO,依据为全球CEO所持公司股票截至1月23日的价值。苏尼尔·米塔尔(Sunil Mittal)以财富价值69亿美元位列第九位[1]

Who is Sunil Mittal?[2]

  His pictures can be misleading. They tend to project him as a cold, stiff-nosed and arrogant CEO.

  In real life, he's friendly and warm. He's one of those rare head honchos who'll personally return calls.

  But more importantly, he's probably the most-successful Indian businessman in the post-reforms era, after the country embarked on the liberalisation path in 1991.

  Meet Sunil Mittal, who controls the $2.5bn Bharti group in India with interests in telecom and retail, and has struck a joint venture deal with Wal-Mart, the US retail giant.

  After leading the decade-long revolution in mobile telephony, and bagging the largest customer base of 27m, he's today enchanted with retail and agriculture.

  "We're in the final lap of telecom. Now, new areas fascinate me. I am passionate about both retail and agriculture. It's the next big opportunity," he told a newspaper in April this year.

  Unlike the huge European-style outlets, India needs the Thailand-type of stores that are "small, air-conditioned, comfortable and don't scare people away".

  He's reiterated several times that a such a model would work in India.

First mover[2]

  The retail foray by Sunil Mittal - no relation to Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal - is an indication that he can quickly spot opportunities in the sunrise sectors.

  In the 1970s, he set up a cycle parts business in the Indian state of Punjab.

  He came to Delhi in 1981, when he realised he could make a killing by importing portable generators from Japan, where the profit margins were as high as 100%.

  During the 1980s, he lobbied the government to allow private firms to manufacture landline sets, and was the first to enter this booming business.

  when India opened up the wireless telephony segment in the mid-1990s, he was among the first movers.

  "Then, it was difficult to convince customers to buy a mobile handset for 40,000 rupees($890), pay 16 rupees (35 cents) a minute for outgoing calls and also pay for incoming calls," he told a news magazine.

  Worse, policy changes and legal battles restricted the growth of the Indian mobile business in those early days.

  But Mr Mittal knew it was only a matter of time before the mobile revolution took off.

  Aided by recent policy changes, he slashed tariffs to a maximum of 1.20 rupees (two cents) a minute. What helped was that the price of a mobile set crashed to as low as 2,000 rupees ($44).

  Today, Bharti (Airtel), his mobile telephony company, is adding a million customers every month.

  Mr Mittal thinks retail is the next growth sector.

  The potential can be gauged by the fact that India's retail market is pegged at over $200bn, and organised retail constitutes over $6bn.

  Several Indian businessmen like Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Industries, India's largest private sector company, are pumping in huge sums to fulfil their retail dreams.

'Asian powerhouse'[2]

  For Bharti too, access to finance won't be a problem because Mr Mittal is known to be a finance whiz kid, an excellent negotiator and adept at raising cash.

  In the past, he has sold stakes in Bharti's telecom ventures to several strategic investors at seemingly attractive prices. He has also innovatively financed his expansions.

  Another advantage is that Mr Mittal has the ability to manage foreign partners.

  He surprised most critics when he got SingTel to invest in his telecom venture.

  He shocked them when he got a global competitor, Vodafone, to buy a minority stake.

  "We have an Asian powerhouse and a global behemoth, this gives us the benefit of both worlds. We're creating value for them, I don't see either of them exiting," he said in a recent interview.

  After bagging two of the most successful mobile firms, Bharti plans to spread its tentacles overseas, and buy out small and medium-sized firms in other emerging markets.

  It also hopes to grab licences for mobile services internationally.

  In the near future, however, telecom will take up only a quarter of Mr Mittal's time.

  His focus will be on retail and agriculture, where he wants to be the pioneer to sow the seeds for India's second green revolution.

  This is what he said of the future possibilities in a recent interview: "Many summers ago, it was telecom and, fortunately, I was there. Now the train is back at the station and I once again have an opportunity to hop onto it. Organised retail will change the face of this country."

Bharti Group

  The son of a politician, Sunil Mittal is from the town of Ludhiana in Punjab. He has built the Bharti group, along with two siblings, into India's largest mobile phone operator in just ten years. The UK based telecommunication giant, Vodafone and Singapore's SingTel both own stakes in the recently renamed flagship company Bharti Airtel. The group also has partnerships with Axa for insurance and with the Rothschild family for exporting fruits and vegetables.

  He has been Chairman & Managing Director of Bharti Group since October 2001.

Entrepreneurial Ventures

  Residing in Delhi, he is married, with three children. A first generation entrepreneur, he started his first business in 1976 at the age of 18, with a capital investment of Rs 20,000 (U$1500) borrowed from his father. His first business was to make crankshafts for local bicycle manufacturers.

  In 1980 he sold his bicycle parts and yarn factories and moved to Mumbai.

  In 1982 he became the exclusive dealer for Suzuki Motors's portable electric-power generators imported from Japan. The importing of telecom equipment was banned by the Indian Government as ITI (Indian Telecom Industry ) monopoly practices & sole OEM for Department of Telecommunication.[citation needed]

  He established the first company to manufacture push button telephones in India. He was one of the first Indian entrepreneurs to identify the mobile telecom business as a major growth area and launched services in the city of Delhi and the National Capital Region in the year 1995.

Philanthropic activities

  Bharti Enterprises joined hands with the All India Football Federation and pumped in over a hundred crore rupees to help the country attain global standards in the sport. Bharti signed a MoU with the AIFF, which aims to create a comprehensive National Football Development Programme and working for globalisation of Indian football, in an attempt to make it to a World Cup finals. As a first step, the telecom company will start a world-class football academy, to be named 'Bharti-AIFF Academy' with an investment of more than Rs.100 crores, to be set-up either in Haryana or Goa. Mr. Mittal said he wants a "football revolution" in the country and is ready to invest "any amount of money" necessary for providing a world-class academy in India

Tie-Up with Wal-Mart

  In November 2006, he struck a joint venture deal with Wal-Mart, the US retail giant, to start a number of retail stores across India.

  In July 2006, he attracted many key executives from Reliance ADAG, NIS Sparta and created Bharti Comtel.






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