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CRA国际(CRA International, 前Charles River Associates,查尔斯·里弗顾问公司), 美国最大的金融和经济咨询公司之一在2009年Vault50大咨询公司排行榜中排名第31位;在2008年Vault50大咨询公司排行榜中排名第30位;在2007年Vault50大咨询公司排行榜中排名第24位
目录[隐藏] |
CRA International 是一家经济,财务和商务咨询公司,与其业,律师事务所,会计事务所和政府工作,提供广泛类型的服务。CRA结合了金融分析和在法律诉讼上的专长和管制方面的支援,企业策略和计划,市场供求预告,政策分析,工程和技术管理。
CRA International is a leading global consulting firm that offers economic, financial, and business management expertise to major law firms, industries, accounting firms, and governments around the world.
With proven skills in complex cases and exceptional strength in analytics, CRA consultants have provided astute guidance to clients in thousands of successful engagements. We offer litigation and regulatory support, business strategy and planning, market and demand forecasting, policy analysis, and risk management consulting.
CRA International success stems from the outstanding capabilities of CRA International consultants, many of whom are recognized as experts in their respective fields; CRA International close relationships with a select group of respected academic and industry experts; and from a corporate philosophy that stresses interdisciplinary collaboration and responsive service.
Founded in 1965, CRA has headquarters in Boston and 26 offices across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East.
CRA International named to the “Globe 100” list of top performing public companies in Massachusetts
CRA International has been named to the “Globe 100” list of top performing public companies in Massachusetts. Based on a composite score derived from financial data for the four quarters ending December 31, 2007, CRA was ranked #45 among Massachusetts-based companies whose stock is publicly traded on NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange, or American Stock Exchange.
CRA International earns spot on's list of America's 200 Best Small Companies in 2007
For the sixth consecutive year, CRA International has been named to's list of America's 200 Best Small Companies in 2007. CRA ranked #127 on the 2007 list, which was announced in October of 2007.
The list ranks companies with revenues between $5 million and $750 million, and share prices above $5 as of October 1st in the ranking year. Companies are evaluated according to return on equity as well as sustained sales and net profit growth over 12-month and five-year periods. In addition to solid financial performance, organizations must demonstrate a track record of good citizenship, among other areas, in order to be named to the list.