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2009.07-08 & 2011.03,世界银行顾问
2007.06 -2009.08,国际货币基金组织研究部常驻研究员
(1)动态结构分析方法: 开创性地将宏观国际经济学中的动态跨期模型和微观国际经济学中的结构分析模型相结合,建立动态结构分析方法,并将之应用到国际收支理论(与哥伦比亚大学魏尚进教授、香港中文大学施康教授等合作),提出新兴国家(比如中国)的国际收支顺差是发达国家和新兴国家之间经济结构差别的均衡现象;将之应用到产业动态结构理论(与世界银行林毅夫教授、香港科技大学王勇教授等合作),提出产业升级与经济结构调整的动态模型。
(3)国际贸易政策:提出通过贸易改革提高社会福利的充分必要条件(和宾州大学Krishna教授合作)。在各国通用的Feenstra教授所著的国际贸易研究生教材中,这个条件被称之为“Ju-Krishna 定理”。
(5)产业组织理论:与Baye and Crocker合著的垄断竞争企业的子公司模型是子公司理论(Divisionalization)中Google Scholar引用最多的文献。
Yifu Lin, Yong Wang, (2015), ""Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics and Economic Growth”", Journal of Monetary Economics, Conditional Acceptance .
Xinding Yu, (2015), ""Productivity, Profitability, Production and Export Structures Along the Value Chain in China”", Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 43, No. 1, pp.33-54.
Kang Shi, Shang-Jin Wei, (2014), ""On the Connections between Intra-temporal and Intertemporal Trades"", Journal of International Economics, vol. 92, pp.S36-S51.
Xuebing Yang, (2013), ""The Cosine-Shaped Pattern of Innovations and Technological Advantages: Theory and Some Evidence"", Frontiers of Economics in China, vol. 8(3), pp.476-489.
Li Su, (2013), ""Market Structure in the Chinese Steel Industry”", Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, vol. 20, No. 1, pp.70-84.
Firat Demir, Yin Zhou, (2012), ""Income Inequality and Structures of International Trade"", Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, vol. 19, No. 2, pp.167-180.
弘 马, 自儒 魏, 颖一 钱, 庆 刘, (2012), "“中美贸易的反比较优势之谜”", 经济学(季刊), 卷 11, 第 3 期.
Shang-Jin Wei, (2011), ""When Is Quality of Financial System a Source of Comparative Advantage?” ", Journal of International Economics, vol. 84, No. 2, pp.178-187.
(2011), ""Consumer Heterogeneity, Income Distribution, and the Welfare Impact of Free Trade"", Review of International Economics, vol. 19, No. 2, pp.288-299.
Shang-Jin Wei, (2010), ""Domestic Institutions and the Bypass Effect of Financial Globalization"", American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol. 2, No. 4, pp.173-204.
Scott Linn, Zhen Zhu, (2010), ""A Model of Middlemen and Oligopolistic Market Makers"", Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, vol. 19, No. 1, pp.1-23.
Yi Wu, Li Zeng, (2010), ""The Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Trade Balance in Developing Countries"", IMF Staff Papers, vol. 57, No. 2, pp.427-449.
Xuebing Yang, (2009), ""Hicks Theorem: Effects of Technological Improvement in the Ricardian Model"", International Review of Finance and Economics, vol. 18, No. 2, pp.239-247.
(2008), "“金融发展与国际贸易”", 国际贸易与投资前沿(第4章).
Kala Krishna, (2005), ""Firms behavior and market access in a Free Trade Area with Rules of Origin"", Canadian Journal of Economics, pp.290-308.