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美国西北理工大学(Northwestern Polytechnic University)美国西北理工大学网站网址:http://www.npu.edu/
目录[隐藏] |
美国西北理工大学 (简称NPU ) 地处被誉为世界高科技发源地的美国加州硅谷地区的佛利蒙市(Fremont),是国际顶尖的培养高科技与工商管理高级人才的著名高等学府之一,是美国高科技企业家的摇篮。NPU的毕业生不仅具备卓尔不凡的经营管理才能,更以无与伦比的创新、创业精神而享誉全球!
NPU于1984年1月2日由瑞姆塞·卡特博士(Dr. Ramsey Carter)和芭芭拉·布朗博士(Dr.Barbara Brown)共同发起创建,现设有工程学院(School of Engineering)和商学院(School of Business),基础教育学院(School of General Education),美语学院(School of American Language),技术研发中心(Technology R&D Center),高级研究学院(Institute of Advanced Study(IAS)),国际高级人才进修学院(Executive Training Institute)。
西北理工大学地处加州硅谷佛利蒙,距离旧金山国际机场约有四十五分钟的车程, 地处“世界高科技中心”- 美国加州硅谷, 与国际顶尖企业群体紧毗邻。另一方面, 学校附近餐馆、购物中心及休闲设施不虞匮乏。加州气候温和、街道整齐而且绿地草茵遍地皆是, 是令人向往的学习环境。
NPU 为它的学生提供了一种独一无二的学习环境。由于它能够从硅谷吸引到优秀的管理专家和资本运作专家来校从事教学、科研工作,同时学校中又有相当一部分学生在硅谷的高技术产业进行工作,从而使得西北理工大学的教学活动更富于实践意义,也让西北理工大学始终保持着旺盛的生命力。
工商管理和信息科学(Business Administration and Information Sciences),计算机科学(Computer Science),计算机系统工程(Computer Systems Engineering),电子工程(Electrical Engineering)
工商管理(Business Administration),电子工程(Electrical Engineering),计算机系统工程(Computer Systems Engineering),计算机科学(Computer Science)
商业管理(Business Administration),计算机工程(Computer Engineering)
NPU 自成立以来,一直保持着较快的发展速度,吸引了越来越多的学生前往就读,NPU毕业生的就业率高达90%,他们遍布国际知名公司,如INTEL, CISCO,HP以及ORACLE等。其中也包括成功创业公司,如FORTNET网络安全公司。硅谷优越的科技环境及学校管理者的通力合作,为该校营造出独特的教学、实践环境。每个入学的优秀学生都可以在第二学期开始申请助教职位(TA),以获得宝贵的工作经验和相应的报酬资助学习。凡有工作经验的和英语交流能力好的学生都具有申请校外工作的机会,获得进一步的工作经验及合理的报酬去减轻学习期间的经济负担。
Northwestern Polytechnic University (NPU) was founded on January 2, 1984 and incorporated as a California nonprofit, public-benefit institution. Because of the strong demand in Silicon Valley for qualified engineers, the School of Engineering began granting Bachelor of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering in November 1984, followed by the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1985. NPU opened the Computer Systems Engineering programs at both the bachelor's and master's levels in 1987. Under high-spirited teamwork, NPU grew quickly from a budding school of a few students and faculty in 1984 to a well-established school by 1989. February 23, 1989 marked a milestone for the University as NPU attained full institutional approval from the California Department of Education. When the entrepreneurial spirit in Silicon Valley demanded students with business training, NPU established the School of Business and began to offer the Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Business Administration and Information Sciences degrees in 1995. At the same time, the School of Engineering continued to expand its programs by offering bachelor's and master's degrees in Computer Science. In January 1998, the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) accredited NPU to award bachelor's and master's degrees. In April 2005, the ACICS accredited NPU to award two doctorate degree programs: Doctor of Business Administration and Doctor of Computer Engineering.
Modern information technology has greatly impacted the administrative and instructional environment of higher education over the last 20 years and has steadily been providing ever-increasing benefits to the campus operational management and program instructions. Incorporating information technology in campus infrastructure has become a clear and vital operational goal for many institutions of higher education as they move steadily towards the digital campus of tomorrow. As an institution with its research and educational focus primarily on the instructions of business and technology, Northwestern Polytechnic University (NPU) has taken the vision of digital campus as one of its primary development goals. NPU formulated its digital campus initiatives in the late nineties. Four phases of development activities were defined and pursued. In April 2005 the school reached its goal of digital campus as the last phase of web-based operation tools was successfully launched.
美国西北理工大學(NPU)之E-MBA for Senior Executive Workshop 系列研修项目是专门为中国高级公共行政管理人员和高级企业管理人员所设计的,皆在通过培训全面提高学员在规划、决策和执行方面的领导能力,使之成为一个更科学、更有效、更具有创造性和更能适应多元文化,多元国际环境变化的高级管理人员
- 在NPU读本科,学费为34375美元~37400美元(275美元/学分,获得学士学位需125~136学分,不同专业学分不同)
- 研究生课程的学费为16200美元(450美元/学分,获得硕士学位需36个学分)
- 生活费约8000~10000美元/年
- 学生自费旅游、回国往返路费等开销不包括在内。