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捷鸿资本(NPEA Capital)英文名称:Natixis Private Equity Asia Capital
目录[隐藏] |
NPEA is a fully owned subsidiary of Natixis Private Equity. NPEA has been investing in North Asia since 1999 following a growth capital investment strategy. The team has completed 32 transactions during the 1999 to 2007 period.
NPEA initially concentrated its investment activity towards Taiwan with a strong focus on electronic related companies; it started to invest in China in 2003 and is now solely focusing on this market.
NPEA is targeting private Chinese companies with a profitability above US$ 5 Million and a strong profit growth (above 30% per year). NPEA invests between US$ 10 to 30 Million per deal, leads and structure the transactions it invests in and provides strong added value post investment.
NPEA does not focus on specific industries/sectors but targets activities with high barriers to entry. It has developed a strong expertise in highly technical manufacturing driven production, renewable energy generation equipment and energy saving equipment.
This multi cultural team has built up a strong track record in an environment which requires discipline, dynamism and flexibility.
As an illustration of its performance, NPEA has received the 2006 Asian Private Equity and Venture Capital Exit of the Year Award for its investment in Suntech and the 2006 Venture Capital Investment of the year by the China Venture Annual Conference for its investment in LDK.
王刚(Kevin Wang) 是法国NBP亚洲投资(NPEA)的创始合伙人。在2002年王刚创建了NPEA在中国的投资业务,并一直主导其在中国的投资。在过往四年多的时间里,王刚主导投资了NPEA在中国的七个个案,包括无锡尚德,德信无线,瑞声科技和LDK太阳能。在七个投资中,迄今已有四个投资全部退出,并获得可观回报。在此之前,王刚为广州邦讯科技的首席财务执行官,主导并执行了邦讯整体出售予总部在北京的美国上市公司亚信科技。王刚曾任职新西兰CLEAR COMMUNICATION及富士施乐的财务和金融部门。王刚持有合肥工业大学的机械工程学士学位,和新西兰梅西大学的工商管理硕士学位。
2009年2月中旬捷鸿资本(NPEA Capital)创始人及首席合伙人王刚正式离职。
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