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曼弗雷德·凯茨·德·弗里斯(Manfred Kets de Vries)哈佛大学商学院教授,法国欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)人力资源管理部主席、管理与领导学教授。他又是壳牌公司、沃尔沃公司、ABB、联合利华等公司的管理顾问。曾于加拿大麦基尔大学(McGill University)、HEC高等商业研究学校,及哈佛商学院任教。著名的管理学家、心理学家。
曼弗雷德·F.R.·凯茨·德·弗里斯(Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries)的视角则颇为独特。凯茨·德·弗里斯有着经济学背景(阿姆斯特丹大学经济学博士)、管理学背景(哈佛商学院,国际教师项目参与者、工商管理硕士、工商管理博士)和精神分析背景(加拿大精神分析学会及国际精神分析学会的会员),所以他能够审视国际管理、精神分析、心理治疗以及动力精神病学的交叉之处。他特别感兴趣的领域是领导力开发与培训、生涯动力学、经理人的压力、企业家精神、家族企业、接班人计划、跨文化管理、创建高绩效团队以及个体转变与组织变革动力学。
作为领导力发展临床教授,凯茨·德·弗里斯在欧洲工商管理学院(法国、新加坡及阿布扎比)任领导力发展Raoul de Vitry d’Avaucourt 主席职位。他还是欧洲工商管理学院全球领导力中心的主任。另外,他是欧洲工商管理学院高管研讨班“领导力的挑战:创造反思性领导”的项目主任(他五次获得欧洲工商管理学院杰出教师奖)。他曾在麦吉尔大学、蒙大高等商学院以及哈佛商学院执教过,而且在世界多个管理机构讲过课。他也是坐落于柏林的欧洲管理和科技学院领导力发展与研究方向的杰出教授。他是国际组织心理分析研究学会的创始人之一。《金融时代》、法国《资本杂志》、德国《经济周刊》、《经济学家》评价曼弗雷德·F. R.·凯茨·德·弗里斯为“管理思想家世界五十强之一”、“人力资源管理界最有影响力的人物之一”。
凯茨·德·弗里斯是美国、加拿大、欧洲、非洲、澳大利亚以及亚洲很多一流公司组织设计/变革以及战略性人力资源管理方面的顾问。作为经理人领导力发展方面的全球顾问,他的客户包括ABB公司、荷兰银行、埃森哲、全球人寿、法液空集团、加拿大铝业公司、阿尔卡特公司、贝恩咨询公司、邦·奥陆芬、邦尼尔、 BP公司、德意志银行、爱立信、通用电气资本、高盛事物、喜力、抵押联合银行、西太平洋 、毕马威国际会计公司、乐高、自由生活、德国汉莎航空公司、伦贝克公司 、麦肯锡、国家澳大利亚银行、诺基亚、诺华、诺和诺德 、俄罗斯标准、米勒啤酒公司、壳牌、SHV公司、斯宾塞斯图亚特、南非标准银行、联合利华公司和沃尔沃汽车公司。他在四十多个国家做过讲师或者顾问。
Manfred Kets de Vries (born 1942 in The Netherlands) is a clinical professor of leadership development at INSEAD, where he holds the Raoul de Vitry d'Avaucourt Chair of Leadership Development. He is the Director of INSEAD's Global Leadership Centre, program director of INSEAD's top management seminar, "The Challenge of Leadership: Creating Reflective Leaders" and the program "Consulting and Coaching for Change", and has received five times, INSEAD's distinguished teacher award. With ESMT, Berlin he is a Distinguished Professor and Director of their Center for Leadership Development Research.He is best known for bringing a different view to the much-studied subjects of leadership and the dynamics of individual and organizational change.
Kets de Vries had held professorships at McGill University, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Montreal, and Harvard Business School, and has lectured at management institutions around the world. He is a founding member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. The Financial Times, Le Capital, Wirtschaftswoche, and The Economist have rated Manfred Kets de Vries among the world’s top fifty leading management thinkers and among the most influential contributors to human resource management. In 2005, as the first non-American, he has received the International Leadership Award for his contributions to the study of management. In 2008, during the ILA annual conference, he received the International Leadership Association Lifetime Achievement Award, along with Bernard Bass & Joseph Rost (posthumously), Warren Bennis, James MacGregor Burns, and Frances Hesselbein.
Professor Kets de Vries holds a Dutch Master degree in Economics (Econ. Drs.; 1966) from the University of Amsterdam; an International Teachers Program certificate (1967), M.B.A. (1968), and D.B.A. (1970) from Harvard Business School, and received training from the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society (member in 1982). He is also a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association and a corresponding member of Paris Psychoanalytical Society.
The Dutch government has made him an Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau. He was the first fly fisherman in Outer Mongolia and is a member of New York's Explorers Club.
He is the author, co-author, or editor of more than thirty-one books and has published over 300 scientific papers as chapters in books and as articles. His books and articles have been translated into twenty-six languages. He is a member of seventeen editorial boards. He has been elected a Fellow of the Academy of Management. He has also written approximately a hundred case studies, including seven that received the Best Case of the Year award. He is a regular writer for a number of magazines.
Most notable publications by Kets de Vries were his books 'The Leader on the Couch,' (2006), 'The leadership Mystique' (2001), 'Organizations on the Couch' (1991) and 'The Neurotic Organization' (1984; together with Danny Miller).
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R.; Miller, D. (1984). The Neurotic Organization: Diagnosing and Changing Counterproductive Styles of Management. Jossey-Bass Inc.. pp. 264. ISBN 0875896065.
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R. (1991). Organizations on the Couch. Jossey-Bass. pp. 408. ISBN 1555423841.
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R. (2001). The Leadership Mystique: a user's manual for the human enterprise. FT Press. pp. 352. ISBN 0273656201.
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R. (2006). The Leader on the Couch: A Clinical Approach to Changing People and Organizations. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.. pp. 407. ISBN 998597574X.
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R.; Florent-Treacy, Elizabeth; Korotov, Konstantin (2007). Coach and Couch: The Psychology of Making Better Leaders. Hampshire, UK: (INSEAD Business Books series). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R. & Carlock, Randel, with Elizabeth Florent-Treacy (2007). Family Business on the Couch: A Psychological Perspective, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., West Sussex, UK.
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R. (2009). Reflections on Character and Leadership: On the Couch with Manfred Kets de Vries, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, March 2009
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R. (2009). Sex, Money, Happiness and Death: The Quest for Authenticity. Palgrave. pp. 264. ISBN 023057792X.
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R. & Konstantin Korotov (2009). Leadership Development (editors), London: Edward Elgar. Forthcoming 2009
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R. (2009). Reflections on Leadership and Career Development, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Publication forthcoming 2009
- Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R., Laura Guillen, Konstantin Korotov & Elizabeth Florent-Treacy (editors) (Forthcoming 2009). Beyond Coaching: Creating Best Places to Work, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK, Forthcoming 2009.