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加拿大东亚银行:The Bank of East Asia (Canada)
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The Bank of East Asia (Canada)
Incorporated in 1991, The Bank of East Asia (Canada) (“BEA Canada”) is a Canadian chartered bank and a subsidiary of The Bank of East Asia ("BEA"), the largest independent local bank in Hong Kong. BEA Canada has expanded steadily over the years and now operates a network of six branches in Toronto and Vancouver.
We offer comprehensive retail and corporate banking services and are dedicated to providing our customers with the greatest financial flexibility and banking convenience possible. In addition to our growing network of branches, we enable our customers to enjoy a wide range of online banking services via Cyberbanking, our innovative, highly secure Internet banking service.
The Bank of East Asia
Incorporated in Hong Kong in 1918, The Bank of East Asia ("BEA") is dedicated to providing comprehensive retail and commercial banking services to its customers in Hong Kong, Greater China, and overseas.
BEA is the largest independent local bank in Hong Kong, with total consolidated assets of HK$415.3 billion (US$53.58 billion) as at 31st December, 2008. The Bank is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and is one of the constituent stocks of the Heng Seng Index.
The Bank was one of the first foreign banks to receive approval from the CBRC to establish a locally incorporated bank in China. This wholly-owned subsidiary, named The Bank of East Asia (China) Limited, offers a full range of Rmb services to all customers including local residents.
BEA also operates outlets in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the British Virgin Island, and Southwest Asia.
- 1991 The Bank of East Asia (Canada) (“BEA Canada”), a subsidiary of The Bank of East Asia headquartered in Hong Kong, is incorporated in Toronto.
- 1992 BEA Canada opens its first branch, in Richmond Hill, Ontario, offering both retail and corporate banking services.
- 1994 BEA Canada establishes a presence on the west coast with the opening of a branch in Vancouver.
- 1996 A third branch is opened in Scarborough, Ontario.
- 1997 A fourth branch is opened in Markham, Ontario.
- 1998 A fifth branch is opened in Mississauga, Ontario.
- 2000 The new core banking system is set up to enhance the Bank’s operations.
- 2004 Vancouver Branch is renamed Richmond Branch, Vancouver.
Cyberbanking Internet banking service is launched in April.
- 2005 Vancouver City Branch, BEA Canada’s sixth branch in Canada and second branch in Vancouver, is opened.
- 2006 Cyberbanking’s online bill payment service is launched. For added login security, Cyberbanking also introduces its dynamic keypad.