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横加公司(TransCanada Corp.)
橫加公司(TransCanada Corp.)



  橫加公司(TransCanada Corp.,TSX: TRP, NYSE: TRP)成立於1951年,是北美地區一家擁有五十年曆史的能源公司和天然氣輸送公司,是北美地區第一家獨立從事電力生產的企業,TransCanada在業務主要分為三個部分:天然氣輸送、能源和天然氣銷售。TransCanada擁有長達38000 公裡(23600英里)的管線,可以將西加拿大與主要的加拿大和美國市場連接在一起。TransCanada將加拿大大約70%的天然氣產品輸送到市場,其中約有60%供給美國市場。

  目前,TransCanada已經擁有或簽約確定的發電能力已達約1600兆瓦。它所擁有的最大的發電廠是一個位於羅德島的迴圈發電廠——Ocean State Power,其發電能力超過500兆瓦。該發電廠每天需要使用一億立方英尺的西加拿大天然氣作為燃料,並且是東北美最大的以天然氣為燃料的發電廠之一。目前,TransCanada掌控著大約2000兆瓦的發電能力。該公司目前管理經營著旗下擁有七個發電廠的公眾持股公司 TransCanada Power, L.P., 同時也是它最大的合作伙伴。




TransCanada Corporation

  TransCanada Corporation (TSX: TRP, NYSE: TRP) is a major North American energy company based in Calgary, Alberta, primarily involved in the development and operation of North American energy infrastructure. Its pipeline network includes approximately 59,000 kilometres (36,500 miles) of pipeline and connects with virtually all major gas supply basins in North America. TransCanada is one of the continent’s largest providers of gas storage and related services with approximately 355 billion cubic feet (1.01×1010 m3) of storage capacity. TransCanada also owns, or has interests in, approximately 10,500 megawatts of power generation.

  TransCanada is the largest shareholder in, and owns the general partner of, TC PipeLines, LP. The company was founded in 1951 in Calgary.

TransCanada’s Businesses

  With more than 50 years experience, TransCanada is a leader in the responsible development and reliable operation of North American energy infrastructure. Founded in 1951 and headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, TransCanada has approximately 3,550 employees and is the general partner and a common unit holder of TC PipeLines, LP.

  TransCanada’s businesses are organized into two segments: Pipelines and Energy. The Pipelines business is principally comprised of TransCanada’s pipelines in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The Energy business includes power operations, natural gas storage and liquefied natural gas (LNG).

  TransCanada's common shares trade under the symbol of TRP on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges.


  With approximately 59,000-kilometres (36,500-miles), our wholly owned pipeline system taps into virtually all major gas supply basins in North America and delivers to markets across Canada and the United States.

  TransCanada also has interests in natural gas pipelines in Canada, the United States and Mexico. We are also the general partner of TC PipeLines, LP, a limited partnership that owns interests in U.S. pipelines.

  With increasing production from oilsands in Alberta, and growing demand for secure, reliable sources of energy, TransCanada has identified opportunities to develop oil pipeline capacity. Our proposed Keystone Pipeline complements our natural gas transmission business, draws on our extensive pipelines experience and offers an efficient way to maximize the value of our current pipeline assets.


  With more than 50 years experience, TransCanada is a leader in the responsible development and reliable operation of North American energy infrastructure. TransCanada’s businesses are organized into two segments: Pipelines and Energy. The Pipelines business is principally comprised of TransCanada’s pipelines in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The Energy business includes power operations, natural gas storage and liquefied natural gas (LNG).


  Our diversified power portfolio encompasses nuclear, natural gas, coal, hydro and wind generation. TransCanada also owns, controls or is developing approximately 10,900 megawatts of power generation. TransCanada also conducts wholesale and retail electricity marketing and trading in Alberta, Ontario and the northeast U.S.

Non-regulated Gas Storage

  TransCanada is one of the largest natural gas storage providers in North America with approximately 360 Bcf of storage capacity.

  Our non-regulated gas storage business owns or controls approximately 130 Bcf – approximately one-third of all storage capacity in Alberta – through our wholly owned 50 Bcf Edson, Alta. facility, contracted long-term capacity of approximately 30 Bcf from a third party, and our 60 per cent interest in CrossAlta Gas Storage & Services Ltd., which operates a 50 Bcf storage facility near Crossfield, Alta.

  Our regulated gas storage business, ANR Storage Company, serves our Pipelines division and provides firm and interruptible natural gas storage services to customers on our Great Lakes Gas Transmission and ANR Pipeline systems.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

  With the North American demand for gas forecasted to exceed the traditional basin supply, new sources of gas are being pursued. TransCanada is well positioned to connect markets to LNG and is currently pursuing two proposed LNG projects, which together are capable of regasifying a combined total of 1.5 bcf/d of natural gas into the eastern Canadian and north eastern U.S. markets.












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