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保罗·米格罗姆(Paul Milgrom)
保羅·米格羅姆(Paul Milgrom)

保羅·米格羅姆(Paul Milgrom):全球拍賣領域和產業經濟學界最知名的人物之一

  保羅·米格羅姆教授的主頁為:http://www.milgrom.net/ 英文



  保爾•米格羅姆(Paul Milgrom):斯坦福大學教授,在拍賣理論機制設計理論方面享有盛譽。1979年畢業於斯坦福大學,獲得商學博士學位,目前是斯坦福大學人類學和社會科學教授、經濟學教授。他還在哈佛大學MIT授課。米格羅姆教授是美國藝術與科學院、美國計量經濟學學會會員。2020年諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者。

  Paul Milgrom教授研究領域廣泛,包括現實世界的拍賣設計和其他市場、組織經濟學、有限理性和經濟史等。他與約翰·羅伯茨John Roberts)合著的《經濟學:組織與管理》(Economics,Organization,and Management)(1992)一書是十分著名的教材。

  Paul Milgrom教授也領導團隊為許多國家,包括美國、德國、墨西哥、加拿大等設計頻道、公用事業拍賣機制。


  米格羅姆教授的研究成果發表在Amerian Economic Review,Econometrica等知名經濟學期刊上,他現在的研究興趣是激勵理論、計劃、拍賣市場設計。他因在頻譜拍賣設計方面的工作而聞名於世。

  保爾•米格羅姆教授最近的著作“《拍賣理論與實務》(Putting Auction Theory To Work)”已於2004年由劍橋大學出版社出版,結合拍賣理論和實務,受到高度推崇。

Paul Milgrom

  Paul Milgrom is the Shirley and Leonard Ely professor of Humanities and Sciences in the department of economics at Stanford University. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the holder of an honorary doctorate from the Stockholm School of Economics. Links to his curriculum vita, reprints of journal publications, working papers, teaching materials and former students’ websites are found in the frame on the left of this page.

  Professor Milgrom proudly congratulates two of his former students/dissertation advisees who have recently won major awards:

  Susan Athey, for winning the 2007 John Bates Clark medal, which “is awarded biennially to that American economist under the age of forty who is adjudged to have made the most significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge.”

  Joshua Gans, for winning the 2007 Australian Young Economist Award, which is awarded biennially to “honour that Australian economist under the age of forty who is deemed to have made a significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge.”

  Milgrom has made well-known contributions to many areas of economics, including auctions, incentive theory, industrial economics, economic history, economics of manufacturing, economics of organizations, and game theory. His book with John Roberts, Economics, Organization and Management, opened a new area to economic research.

  He is best known, however, for his contributions to the theory of auctions and for pioneering contributions to the practice of auction design. According to the National Science Foundation’s account (America’s Investment in the Future), Milgrom was the main academic contributor to the original FCC spectrum auction design – the simultaneous ascending auction. This design, which Milgrom developed with colleagues Robert Wilson and Preston McAfee, has been copied and adapted for dozens of auctions of radio spectrum, electricity, and natural gas involving hundreds of billion dollars worldwide. He advised Google on its IPO auction of shares, Yahoo! on the design of an advertising marketplace, Microsoft Networks on sponsored search auctions, the Oregon Public Utilities Commission on sales of electrical generating assets, Mexico on privatization auctions of state-owned assets, and spectrum regulators in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and Mexico on sales of radio spectrum. He has also advised bidders in several major auctions, including helping SpectrumCo to save over $1 billion in US spectrum auction #66.

  Milgrom founded Market Design, Inc to bring new scholarship on market design to practical applications. Useful links to market design scholarship, particularly ones emphasizing applications to matching markets, can be found on the websites of Professors Alvin Roth and Muriel Niederle.

  Milgrom’s book Putting Auction Theory to Work was published by Cambridge University Press in 2004 and immediately celebrated by leading economists and practitioners. Lecture slides and problem sets for an auction theory course based on this book are available for download and extra material is available on request. Errata for the book are also available. In addition, slides are available for Milgrom’s 2006 mini-courses taught at Gerzensee and at the Stockholm School of Economics on Topics in Market Design.

  Paul Milgrom is also affiliated with CRA International, which provides economic analysis for business consulting and litigation support., and Inflexion Point Strategy, which is an intellectual property investment bank. He is married to Eva Meyersson Milgrom and has two children: Josh Thurston-Milgrom and Elana Thurston-Milgrom . Eva’s son is Erik Meyersson.










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