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羅伯特·奎恩美國密西根大學教授,一直在美國密西根大學從事組織行為學和人力資源的管理工作。他所從事的研究主要停留在組織的有效性和領導。出版了眾多著作,提出用於分析組織內部衝突與競爭緊張性的競爭價值理論模型。代表作:《診斷和改變企業文化:基於競爭價值理論模型》(Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture:Based on the Competing Values Framwork)
Robert has an unmatched talent for awakening the inner leader within his listeners. The key to such an awakening know thyself as been a central theme of Robert work.
Fundamental leadership. His most recent book, Building the Bridge as You Walk on It, describes what he calls undamental leadership change leadership that begins with changing one self. Named one of the best business books of the year, Building the Bridge shows how anyone can become a leader, not by learning techniques, but by learning who we are through eight principles that lie at the heart of both personal and organizational transformation.
Robert has written several other significant books on leadership, including A Company of Leaders, Beyond Rational Management, and Becoming a Master Manager.
His topics in this area include Building the Bridge As You Walk on It: The Fundamental State of Leadership and Building a Company of Leaders: The Road to Initiative and Innovation.
Robert offers decades of research and expertise in organizational transformation.
Deep Change. Were talking deep change, fundamental and lasting transformation of the self and the organization.
He written several books on change management, including Deep Change, Change the World, and Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture.
He also developed a leading change management tool, the Competing Values Framework, that has been named one of the fifty most important models in the history of business. Thousands of organizations have used his Framework to align people, structures and strategies for effective transformation. Having worked closely with several hospital and healthcare systems, Robert brings special value to change management in healthcare.
His topics in this area include:
- The Essence of Change: How to Make a Difference in Your Organization;
- Sustainable Change: How to Diagnose and Change Your Organizational Culture;
- Positive Organizing: Radical Principles from a New Field of Research, and
- The Right Way to Manage Healthcare.
Robert is a pioneer Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS), a groundbreaking new movement in organizational studies that seeks to understand and promote the real sources of exceptional performance in individuals and their organizations. Drawing from the full spectrum of organizational and social sciences, POS investigates ositive deviance how organizations and their members flourish in extraordinary ways.
- 《為自己架一座橋》(Building the Bridge as You Walk on It): A Guide for Leading Change
- 《深刻變革》(Deep Change): Discovering the Leader Within
- 《改變世界》Change the World: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Extraordinary Results
- A Company of Leaders: Five Disciplines for Unleashing the Power in Your Workforce(with Gretchen Spreitzer)
- 《診斷和改變企業文化:基於競爭價值理論模型》(Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture (with Kim Cameron)
- Beyond Rational Management: Mastering the Paradoxes and Competing Demands of High Performance
- Becoming a Master Manager: A Competency Based Framework (with S.R. Faerman, M.P. Thompson and M.R. McGrath)
- Letters to Garrett: Stories of Change, Power and Possibility (with Garrett T. Quinn)
- The Essence of Change: How to Make a Difference in Your Organization;
- Sustainable Change: How to Diagnose and Change Your Organizational Culture
- Positive Organizing: Radical Principles from a New Field of Research
- The Right Way to Manage Healthcare
- Building the Bridge As You Walk on It: The Fundamental State of Leadership
- Building a Company of Leaders: The Road to Initiative and Innovation