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蓝山资本是由原老虎基金总裁John Griffin于1996年建立,是一家著名的全球对冲基金公司。Blue Ridge Capital总部位于美国纽约,管理着40亿美元的基金。
Blue Ridge Capital (BRC) is an Atlanta-based real estate investment company targeting value-added properties in the Southeast. The company specializes in retail centers, but also considers other turn-around or opportunistic real estate investments, offering the potential for value enhancement. Since our inception in 1999, BRC has acquired as a principal approximately 50 assets and we can proudly state that our investment record does not contain a single loss.
Blue Ridge Capital employs a small group of talented and dedicated people who handle all aspects of operating a property – leasing, management, and construction – providing our tenants the personal attention they deserve. Our hands-on approach assures incoming tenants that projects are completed on time and at the lowest possible cost, which we pass on in the form of a competitive rental structure.
Blue Ridge Capital operates under the belief that there is no better market in the country to pursue our ambitions than the Southeast – our own “backyard”.
In the competitive retail market, we have the flexibility to keep our rents low, our tenants happy, and our properties full. Acquiring only well-located real estate, Blue Ridge Capital’s goal is to re-invent each property by bringing in new tenants to the community. We implement necessary capital improvements which may include upgraded façades and signage, along with curing deferred maintenance in the areas of roof, parking lot and HVAC systems. BRC places the highest priority on ensuring that each project offers an attractive, inviting, and clean appearance for our tenants’ customers. We have significant experience with properties that have been under-performing due to lack of leasing and management expertise. In these situations, we closely review the property’s condition and market position and then design a plan that may include a combination of redefining, repositioning, and reintroduction of the asset. By focusing our efforts in the Southeast, Blue Ridge has maintained a deep knowledge of each region, allowing us to execute property turnarounds quicker than most of our competitors.
We are a positive force – a caring and committed partner – in each community where we do business. We work hard to create a successful tenant mix, including food, service, and merchant shops, to enable each of our properties to meet the needs of the immediate market. We recognize the need for balance and diversity, and are pleased to have a combination of national chain tenants, local chains, and “mom and pops” comprising our portfolio. Through proactive and carefully planned re-development, Blue Ridge Capital is able to maximize the asset, and provide a viable shopping destination for the community and a valuable addition to our investment portfolio. Partnering Isn’t Just a Word
Whether you are a tenant, lender, or equity investor, Blue Ridge Capital is committed to ensuring a successful and profitable relationship. These partnerships are the lifeblood of our business – we look forward to building a mutually beneficial relationship with you.
蓝山中国资本由全球著名投资基金蓝山资本的创始人John Griffin先生与中国的互联网企业家唐越先生于2006年共同创立,是一支专注投资中国企业的私人股权投资基金,首期基金逾3亿美元,在零售,地产,能源,农业,科技和教育行业有广泛的投资。2008年1月,蓝山中国资本第二期基金14.5亿美元募集完毕,基金总规模近18亿美元,继续用以支持中国的优秀企业,帮助它们高速成长,成为行业和市场中的领先者。在成立至今的两年中,蓝山中国资本已实际投资五亿美元于十余家优秀企业,横跨新能源,消费品,制造业,零售,农业加工,房地产,科技,教育及其他多个行业。
从字面上,蓝山中国Blue Ridge China用的是美国品牌Blue Ridge Capital,其在美国是一家比较有名的对冲基金。按照顾名思义的普遍逻辑,Blue Ridge China与Blue Ridge Capital肯定有很多的关系吧,让人充满联想。但是,唐越的解释又出乎意料:这是两支性质完全不同的基金。美国蓝山是一支40亿美元的对冲基金,只投上市公司,目标是全球市场。而蓝山中国仅是一支3亿美元的成长基金,专设中国的未上市公司,并且是长期的投资,最多可达13年。两者之间既没有机构间的资金往来,也没有人事上的制约,并且,在Blue Ridge China就是唐越一人做投资决策,不用听命于外。当然,因为对冲基金的GP中有些人也是蓝山中国基金的个人投资者,使得他们有机会更早地了解蓝山中国投资的公司,待蓝山项目上市后,美国蓝山也有机会在公众市场继续长期持有公司股票,继续支持公司成长,而不是“仅仅获利出场”。