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美国辛格勒无线公司(Cingular Wireless)目录[隐藏] |
Cingular Wireless LLC,总部设在美国乔治亚州的亚特兰大。2001年Cingular Wireless(辛格勒无线)由现在的AT&T(当时的SBC)和南方贝尔合资创办,这一合资也创造了全美国内第二大的电信公司。构成Cingular的一共包括了11家地区性的公司。2004年2月Cingular宣布与AT&T无线公司完成价值419亿美元的巨资收购合并,此合并在当年10月16日最终完成。合并后的公司靠着4千6百万的用户量而使Cingular成为了全国最大的无线业务服务提供商。
Cingular为超过2100万客户提供无线语音、文本和Internet服务。Cingular在仔细考察了若干个应用结构平台后,选择了BEA Weblogic。Cingular做出该选择,乃是看重BEA Weblogic的统一的、简便的和可扩展的体系结构,能确保与企业及第三方的系统无缝、低成本的集成,同时Cingular还看重BEA Weblogic产品的易于管理、极具可扩展性和实用的可靠性。
Cingualr在BEA Weblogic Server上已投产的应用包括POSablilities 和XML 票据交换所。POSabilities是Cingular零售商的一个零售点解决方案,让零售点职员可以注册新的电话,并在很短的时间内激活客户服务。XML票据交换所使Cingular的合作伙伴能够在他们的Web站点上注册新客户。这个系统还可校验基于客户住宅电话区号的服务计划的可用性,以及对账户激活、电话号码分配和信用验证进行管理。
下一个准备开展的主要应用是Cingular的员工门户。此门户被设计用来加强员工间的协作和交流。Cingular将采用BEA WebLogic Potal来实施这一战略性的项目,这是因为它提供了一个全面的门户框架,能够简化门户开发和管理,同时降低成本,便于将业务信息扩展至客户、合作伙伴和雇员。体现WebLogic Potal性能的全面性的一个例子是其能够支持多设备的无线扩展通讯。
In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. That was the foundation of the company that would become AT&T — a brand that has become synonymous with the best, most reliable telephone service in the world.
In 1984, through an agreement between the former AT&T and the U.S. Department of Justice, AT&T agreed to divest itself of its local telephone operations but retain its long distance, R&D and manufacturing arms. From this arrangement, SBC Communications Inc. (formerly known as Southwestern Bell Corp.) was born.
Twelve years later, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 triggered dramatic changes in the competitive landscape. SBC Communications Inc. established itself as a global communications provider by acquiring Pacific Telesis Group (1997), Southern New England Telecommunications (1998) and Ameritech Corp. (1999). In 2005, SBC Communications Inc. acquired AT&T Corp., creating the new AT&T.
With the acquisition of BellSouth in 2006, and the consolidated ownership of Cingular Wireless and YP.com, AT&T is positioned to lead our industry in one of its most significant transformations since the invention of the telephone more than 130 years ago.
发展历程和技术应用可否介绍详细些~ 非常感谢~