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昆士兰大学商学院(University of Queensland Business School)
目录[隐藏] |
该校连续第7年被澳大利亚管理学研究生课程协会(GMAA)评为5星级学院。 在2015年《经济学人》杂志中公布了最新的世界百强MBA学院排名。澳大利亚有两所大学榜上有名, 昆士兰大学商学院便是其中之一,世界排名第14 。这些荣誉正式其教学水准的进步和声誉享誉世界的最好证明。
UQ Business School’s origins date back to 1926 when the University of Queensland first began to offer accounting degrees. The Department of Accountancy was set up in 1961, and later became the School of Commerce. Management education began in 1972, when the first MBA students enrolled.
UQ Business School was formed in 2002 with the merger of the Schools of Commerce and Management, and two years later it expanded further when it merged with the Technology and Innovation Management Centre (TIMC).
- 14th/100 best business school in the world in The Economist 2013 Full-time MBA ranking
- 1st/18 best business school in Australia in the Financial Review Boss 2013 MBA ranking
- GMAA Five Star rating of MBA program for the ninth consecutive year
- The Australian Research Council’s ERA (The Excellence in Research for Australia) rates UQ Business School’s research above or well above world standard in all categories (banking, finance, investment, business and management scoring 5 stars)
- 47th/50 best business school in the world in the Financial Times executive education open 2011 ranking
Business Management 商务管理
Commerce 商贸
Economics 经济
International Hotel and Tourism Management 国际酒店和旅游管理
Law 法律
Agribusiness 农业经济
Applied Law 应用法律
Business 商业
Business Administration 工商管理
Business Economics 商业经济
Commerce 商贸
Global Management 全球管理
Health Economics 健康经济
International Economic and Finance 国际经济和金融
International Hotel and Tourism Management 国际酒店和旅游管理
Laws 法律
Professional Accounting 职业会计
Project Management 项目管理
Property Studies 产权研究
Research Commercialisation 商业化研究
Research Methods 研究法
Technology and Innovation Management 技术和革新管理