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《跨越鴻溝》(Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Products to Mainstream Customers)
目錄[隱藏] |
- 作者: Geoffrey A. Moore 著
- 出 版 社: 哈珀·柯林斯一般圖書出版集團商業分社(HarperCollins Publishers)
- 出版時間: 1999
在臺灣先行出版的《龍卷風暴》《大金剛法則》,事實上是本書《越鴻溝》的續作。但由於本書初版於1991年問世,書中所舉個案與例證,已與《龍卷風暴》中文版問世的全球環境大相徑庭,所以《跨越鴻溝》的中文版一直未在考慮之列。幸作者墨爾先生於 1999年改版更新數據,讓整個技術採用生命周期的理論得以完整在台呈現;從此一改版的動作,也可見本書的理論中心之歷久彌堅。
Moore provides an invaluable service to high-tech entrepreneurs and investors: he has identified the weak link in the marketing chain which makes the success of such ventures so unpredictable, and he outlines proven, specific techniques to address this challenge. At a time when the high-tech community in the U.S. cedes much of its once-held manufacturing advantage to the Far East and elsewhere, it is critical that these U.S. enterprises must retain superior marketing as a competitive advantage. Crossing the Chasm provides critical information for achieving this end.
Geoffrey A. Moore(傑弗里·墨爾):高踞亞馬遜網路書店商業書高科技類暢銷書排行榜《龍卷風暴》、《大金剛法則》作者。墨爾是鴻溝團隊(Chasm Group)的創辦人暨董事長,同時也是Mohr Davidow創投公司的合伙人。他所提出的技術採用生命周期理論,也是他三本高科技暢銷書《跨越鴻溝》《龍卷風暴》《大金剛法則》的一貫中心理論, 成為整個高科技產業之所有營銷作為的中心。而此理論更是與時俱進,愈見深入與擴張。也由於此等非凡的貢獻,墨爾還被《上風》(Upside)雜誌選為數位革命精英領袖100風雲榜的名人之一。
Formerly a partner with Regis McKenna Inc., Geoffrey A. Moore is now president of his own firm, Geoffrey Moore Consulting, and founder of The Chasm Group. He has consulted with over 30 high tech corporations, including Hewlett-Packard, Apple, AT&T, Oracle, IBM, and Samsung. Moore is also the author of Inside the Tornado ) which details market dynamics of hypergrowth, and explains how to pool resources, gain supporters during pre-tornado phase, then how to unleash them once the tornado hits. He holds a degree in literature from Stanford University and the University of Washington. Moore is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and trade shows and also lectures at business schools, where Crossing the Chasm is often a required textbook. He lives with his wife Marie in Palo Alto, California. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
- PART Ⅰ Discovering the Chasm
- If Bill Gates Can Be a Billionaire
- 1 High-Tech Marketing Illusion
- 2 High-Tech Marketing Enlightenment
- PART Ⅱ Crossing the Chasm
- 3 The D-DayAnalogy
- 4 Target the Point of Attack
- 5 Assemble the Invasion Force