出自 MBA智库百科(https://wiki.mbalib.com/)
目录[隐藏] |
- 涉及到中国国内的物流服务,如大规模仓储作业、第三方物流运输(包括供应和分销)的组织、分拨以及网络化服务;
- 国际物流服务,如国际货运代理服务,包括报关代理、仓储等服务;
- 其他服务,如物料搬运设备的租赁与管理等。
标致雪铁龙集团(法文:PSA Peugeot Citroën)是一家法国私营汽车制造公司,由标致家族拥有,旗下拥有标致和雪铁龙两大汽车品牌。在欧洲,PSA标致雪铁龙集团是仅次于德国大众汽车的欧洲第二大汽车制造商。
GEFCO, or “les Groupages Express de Franche Comté”, was founded at the end of 1949 by Société des Automobiles Peugeot.
The objective was twofold:
- To ensure reliability of supply for Sochaux, which was the only plant assembling vehicles for Automobiles Peugeot at that time.
- To reduce transport costs, since Sochaux's more remote position penalised Peugeot in relation to its competitors in the Paris region.
Around ten employees performed the first runs between La Garenne and Sochaux in January 1950. Today, GEFCO has 10,000 employees worldwide and manages more than 60,000 shipments daily, using all modes of transport (air, sea, rail, road).
GEFCO has become a logistics integrator specialising in industry and providing global expertise. - Automotive: Preparation and Distribution of vehicles - Network: Europe's first Integrated Network for groupage and full/part-load road transport - Supply: Logistics of industrial flows
GEFCO also brings its 50,000 customers specialist know-how in customs and tax representation. The group is continuously in quest of new innovative, efficient and profitable solutions.
In 2006, GEFCO reported turnover of more than EUR 3,245 million.
大田与联邦的合作是大通不与联邦合作了!大田得了个便宜,联邦最后还是收购了大田....... 大田与捷富凯的合作有几年了,不是捷富凯法方和雪铁龙法方的一点老乡关系,估计捷富凯在武汉没什么业务。 大田的老王就是一中饱私囊的家伙,大田买给联邦后又想买给捷富凯。 不知道还有什么国外的物流公司想进中国?找大田绝对很快就可以独立.