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利兰·布雷德福(Leland P. Bradford,1905年7月12日——1981年5月1日)美国行为科学家,心理学家。感受性训练模式创始人,其主要贡献是提出群体行为:“感受性训练”- 实验室训练
敏感性训练也称T-团体训练(训练小组训练)或实验室训练,是美国行为科学家布雷德福(Leland Bradford)等人首创的一种训练方法。目的是通过受训者在共同学习环境中的相互影响,提高受训者对自己的感情和情绪、自己在组织中所扮演的角色、自己同别人的相互影响关系的敏感性,进而改变个人和团体的行为,达到提高工作效率和满足个人需求的目标。
3、培训指导人员仅从旁协作,为学习过程提供方便,其使命是观察、记录、解释,有时诱导,扮演一种不引人注目的领导角色 。
LELAND P. BRADFORD, Ph.D., was co-founder of the National Training Laboratory in Group Development (now NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science), which he directed for twenty-five years. He served as an instructor in educational psychology at the University of Illinois and as training director for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and for the Federal Security Agency. Dr. Bradford was the first director of the Division of Adult Education of the National Education Association and served in that capacity for nearly twenty years. He edited the NEA Adult Education Bulletin and published many pioneering articles in national journals concerned with human relations. He is the author of Making Meetings Work (1977) and is a co-author of T-Group Theory and Laboratory Method: Innovations in Re-Education (1964) and The Laboratory Method of Learning and Chagning (1974). Dr. Bradford has served as a delegate to numerous international conferences, and he has received many honors, including honorary doctorates from leading universities.