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提勃尔·西托夫斯基(Tibor Scitovsky)——美国当代著名经济学家
目录[隐藏] |
提勃尔·西托夫斯基(Tibor Scitovsky;1910—2002)出生于匈牙利,最早在布达佩斯学习法律,后来就读于剑桥大学的三一学院。1935年,西托夫斯基进入伦敦经济学院学习。“二战”之后,他获得了斯坦福大学的终身教职。20世纪60年代,西托夫斯基在位于巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)工作。1976年,他发表了自己最负盛名的著作《没有快乐的经济》。
- Tibor Scitovsky(西托夫斯基),1910-2002年,匈牙利人,
- 1932年在布达佩斯大学获得法学学士,之后在剑桥大学和伦敦经济学院学习,
- 1938年获得伦敦经济学院经济学硕士。
- 1939年来到美国并加入美国陆军对德作战,获得铜质奖章。
- 战后的1946年被斯坦福大学经济系的Bernard Haley看中,在斯坦福大学经济系任教,直至1958年。
- 1951年出版著作Welfare and Competition: The Economics of a Fully Employed Economy。
- 1958-68年西托夫斯基离开斯坦福大学,到加州大学伯克利分校经济系任教,并担任过系主任。期间1965-66年他在哈佛大学经济系担任访问教授,
- 1968年他成为耶鲁大学经济系的讲座教授( Heinz Professor of Economics)。
- 1969年出版Money and the Balance of Payments,
- 1970年出版Industry and Trade in Some Developing Countries: A Comparative Study 。
- 1970年他重返斯坦福大学经济系,成为斯坦福大学经济系第一任Eberle Professor of Economics。1976年出版The Joyless Economy: an Inquiry into Human Satisfaction and Consumer Dissatisfaction ,并从斯坦福大学经济系退休直至逝世。
- 退休后他还在伦敦经济学院和美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校任教。1992年出版修订版的The Joyless Economy。1999年发表回忆录,2002年在美国逝世。
- "A Study of Interest and Capital", 1940, Economica.
- "A Note on Welfare Propositions in Economics", 1941, RES.
- "Capital Accumulation, Employment and Price Rigidity", 1941, RES.
- "A Reconsideration of the Theory of Tariffs", 1942, RES.
- "A Note on Profit Maximization and its Implications", 1943, RES.
- Welfare and Competition: the economics of a fully employed economy, 1951.
- Mobilizing Resources for War: The economic alternatives, with E.S. Shaw and L. Tarshis, 1951.
- "Two Concepts of External Economies", 1954, JPE.
- Economic Theory and Western European Integration, 1958.
- "Standards for the Performance of Our Economic System", 1960, AER.
- "On the Principle of Consumer's Sovereignty", 1962, AER
- Papers on Welfare and Growth, 1964.
- Money and the Balance of Payments, 1969.
- Industry and Trade in Some Developing Countries, with I.M.D. Little and M.F.G. Scott, 1970.
- "What's Wrong with the Arts is What's Wrong with Society", 1972, AER.
- "The Producer Society", 1972, De Economist.
- "The Place of Economic Welfare in Human Welfare", 1973, QJE.
- "Inequalities: Open and hidden, measured and immeasurable", 1974, Annals of AAPSS.
- "Are Men Rational or Economists Wrong?", 1974, in Nations and Households in Economic Growth.
- The Joyless Economy: An inquiry into human satisfaction and consumer dissatisfaction, 1976.
- "Market Power and Inflation", 1978, Economica.
- "Asymmetries in Economics", 1978, Scottish Journal of PE.
- "Can Changing Consumer Tastes Save Resources?", 1979, in Economic Growth and Resources.
- "Can Capitalism Survive? An old question in a new setting", 1980, AER.
- "Excess Demand for Job Importance and its Implications", 1981, in Wert und Praeferenzprobleme in den Sozialwissenschaften.
- "The Desire for Excitement in Modern Society", 1981, Kyklos.
- "Subsidies for the Arts: The economic argument", 1983, in Economic Support for the Arts.
- "Human Desire and Economic Satisfaction", 1985, Kyklos.
- "Psychologizing by Economists", 1986, in MacFadyen, editors, Psychology.
- Human Desire and Economic Satisfaction: Essays on the frontiers of economics, 1986.
- "Growth in the Affluent Society", 1987, Lloyds BR.